Some pictures from today

Vocabulary list from labs 1 and 2: anterior, rostral, posterior, caudal, dorsal, superior, ventral, inferior, medial, lateral, sagittal, horizontal, coronal meninges, dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater, rhinal fissure, tentorium cerebelli, falx cerebri, transverse sinus, longitudinal fissure, central sulcus, precentral gyrus, postcentral gyrus, lateral sulcus, hippocampal gyrus, frontal lobe, piriform cortex, sensorimotor cortex, parietal lobe,…Read more Some pictures from today

Cranial Nerves Video Demo

Here is a brief overview of cranial nerves 3 through 12 on the sheep brain: My videography leaves much to be desired (I was trying to video tape with my iPhone while pointing at structures). Hopefully this is something you can refer back to and compare to while studying. Here is a quick mnemonic…Read more Cranial Nerves Video Demo

Week 2 in Physiological Psychology

This week in physiological psychology we will continue to break down the anatomy of the nervous system - moving from the basic cellular structures up to the general anatomy of the nervous system. First, we will continue with our sheep brain dissections on Tuesday in lab. This will involve finishing the dissection itself (removing the…Read more Week 2 in Physiological Psychology