First week of Physio Psych

Here’s a snapshot of what we’ll be doing this week in physiological psychology.

Monday, we’ll take the bull by the horns and start out with a taste test of physiological psychology by playing a game. This game will introduce you to the nuts and bolts of our first “unit” which will cover basics of physiological psychology such as an introduction to the nervous system, neuroanatomy, and neurophysiology. We’ll learn the anatomy of neurons and the anatomy of the brain. Then we’ll learn about the key players in the nervous system, including neurotransmitters.

Tuesday, we’ll jump right into lab. I’ll spend a little time going over your projects, introduce the lab, give a quick demo, and then you’ll get started with your dissections! To help with this dissection, you’ll want to review brain anatomy provided in your textbook. But we’ll be working with sheep brains, so remember that there will be some differences.

Wednesday, we’ll focus on the history and future of physiological psychology. In a way, we’ll be zooming out on the field and considering the kinds of questions a biopsychologist might ask. We’ll focus on neuroplasticity, social neuroscience, neuroeconomics, and epigenetics as these are several hot topics in biopsychology right now. Be prepared to consider why these new fields are important and what ways they might influence how we understand psychology and human behavior.

On Friday, we’ll zoom way in on the neuron. What is a neuron? Why do we care about neurons? How does a neuron work? We’ll create 3D models of neurons. The purpose of this activity is to reinforce the anatomy of a neuron because an understanding of the neuron will be fundamental to understanding electrical and chemical communication in the nervous system. So, it may seem like we are spending a lot of time on one small structure – but this should help you build a small domain knowledge so it is easier to absorb the more complex neurophysiology that will come a week or two later.


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